Enfoques holísticos para el monitoreo efectivo de la calidad del agua en áreas urbanas HORIZON-CL6-2024-ZEROPOLLUTION-02-1-bi-stage Convocatoria de propuestas




Comisión Europea


Unión Europea


Dentro del Programa Horizon Europa se abre esta convocatoria, con el objetivo de general un ambiente limpio y cero polución (2023/24)

Con un presupuesto de 8.000.000€


Successful proposals will support researchers and innovators to improve the environmental performances and circularity of bio-based systems in industrial sectors. Project outcomes will contribute to enhance circular bio-based systems operating according to planetary boundaries, replacing fossil-based systems and their carbon footprint, mitigating climate change and protecting air, water and soil quality along industrial value chains, in line with the European Green Deal and the EU zero pollution action plan.

Projects results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes:

  • Enhanced environmental performances of bio-based processes approaching the zero-waste, zero-pollution ambition.

  • Integrated pollution prevention and control in bio-based systems targeting soil, water and air quality as well as noise levels.


Pollution from anthropogenic activities undermines the integrity of Earth ecosystems and severely affects the natural resources essential for human life. The EU bioeconomy strategy 2030 sets environmental protection at the basis of the modernisation of bio-based industries in the Union, to ensure a trustful green transition of EU economy away from a linear fossil-based system.

Mas información sobre esta convocatoria en el siguiente enlace

Plazo, lugar y forma de presentación

Con fecha de apertura el 17 de octubre de 2023 y fecha de cierre para el primer bloque el 21 de febrero de 2024 y el 17 de septiembre de 2024 para el segundo.

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